CloudQA Lighthouse Integration

Lighthouse is an open-source tool developed by Google that audits web pages to evaluate performance, accessibility, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and adherence to best practices. CloudQA integrates Lighthouse Metrics seamlessly into your functional and regression testing workflows, providing a unified approach to web performance and quality testing.

Key Benefits:
  • Automated Lighthouse Audits: Integrate Lighthouse metrics into functional and regression tests to automate checks for performance, accessibility, SEO, and best practices.

  • Unified Reporting: Combine functional testing results with Lighthouse's web performance audits, offering a comprehensive view of test outcomes.

  • Actionable Insights: Obtain clear recommendations to enhance page speed, accessibility, SEO, and overall site quality based on the Lighthouse audit results.

  • Simplified Workflow: Streamline your testing and reporting processes by consolidating functional and performance audits into a single tool.

  • Continuous Monitoring: Keep an eye on performance with scheduled test suites, ensuring ongoing site optimization and quality assurance.

How to Integrate Lighthouse metrics
Step 1: Enable Lighthouse Metrics
  • Click on the settings menu item in the left-side pane.
  • Go to the preferences table on the app settings page.
  • Enable Lighthouse Metrics from the preferences table.
Step 2: Choose/Enable Lighthouse Metrics and Run Custom Test Case Execution
  • Navigate to the test cases page.
  • Click on the run button to execute the custom test case within functional testing.
Step 3: View Lighthouse Metrics in Test Case Results
  • Go to the test case result page.
  • Look at the Lighthouse tab to see the captured metrics.
  • For consolidated data across all steps where metrics were captured, click on the Lighthouse Metrics button on the test case result page.
Step 4: Enable Lighthouse Metrics for Scheduled Test Suites
  • Navigate to the test suites page.
  • Click on the schedule plan button to set the test suite schedule along with Lighthouse Metrics.
Step 5: Generate Reports

Test Case Level Report

  • Navigate to the test cases page.
  • Click on the reports button and select the performance summary.

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