Executing Tests on Local, Firewalled Websites and VPN Restricted Applications
In some cases you would want to run tests on your own internal servers or IP restricted applications or VPN restricted applications.
1. Restricted IP applications
It becomes difficult to test IP restricted applications on cloud. But, CloudQA has an option.
All CloudQA test cases will originate from the IP addresses listed below. These IP addresses can be used for whitelisting CloudQA in your firewall or removing CloudQA traffic from your analytics.
Northern Virginia:
South Carolina: Updated to
2. Local Tunnel
Procedure to expose your locally hosted application to Internet
Tools like Ngrok allows you to expose a web server running on your local machine/server to the internet. You just need to specify what port your web server is listening on. For simplicity, we'll use Ngrok as an example. You can use any such other tools.
a. Download/Installation of Ngrok
Download single executable file. No installation or dependencies are required to run this program. Just unzip and run ngrok.
b. Run Ngrok to explore your application to internet
When you start ngrok, it will display a UI in your terminal with the public URL of your tunnel and other status and metrics information about connections made over your tunnel.
Type "ngrok http port Number" you will get the below Console ui
The ngrok console UI
ngrok by @inconshreveable
Tunnel Status online
Version 2.0/2.0
Web Interface
Forwarding http://92832de0.ngrok.io -> localhost:80
Forwarding https://92832de0.ngrok.io -> localhost:80
Connnections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Use the forwarding http/https links to access the application on CloudQA
If you don't know what port your web server is listening on, it's probably port 80, the default for HTTP.
Example: Expose a web server on port 80 of your local machine to the internet command: ngrok http 80
- The URL is accessible on internet until the ngrok is running
- Every time you run this program for your application it generates a new url
3. Test VPN Restricted Applications
Since all our executions happen on Google Cloud, we can set up a managed Google Cloud VPN which supports IKEV1/2 IPSec tunnels.To establish a tunnel and test, we need the following information
- Your VPN Gateway IP
- Whether BGP routing works for you or a static CIDR-based routing would fit? If BGP - then we additional details like your ASN
- A CIDR range of your applications to test.
- Your IKE version
- Whether your phase 1 and 2 ciphers are supported by CloudVPN? Refer https://cloud.google.com/vpn/docs/concepts/supported-ike-ciphers
- IKE pre-shared key
For more information please get in touch with us [email protected]