Jenkins Integration
Jenkins is a self-contained, open source automation server which can be used to automate all sorts of tasks related to building, testing, and deploying software.
Below is the procedure:
For Linux
In your Jenkins project, add a new build step Execute Shell Command.
Add the following script, and insert your API key, test suite Id, browser name ("Chrome", "Firefox", "IE") and optional variable name value pairs.
export CLOUDQA_API_KEY="<API key>"
export CLOUDQA_SUITE_ID="<TestSuite Id>"
export CLOUDQA_BROWSER="<Browser(Chrome or Firefox)>"
export CLOUDQA_VARIABLES="var1=val1,var2=val2"
export CLOUDQA_BASE_URL="<Application Start URL>"
curl -s | bash /dev/stdin
Note: Please ensure jq
is installed on your build system.
For Windows
Install the Powershell plugin by choosing PowerShell Plugin from Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins.
In your project add a new build step Windows Powershell.
Add the below script, and substitute values for API Key, TestSuite Id, Browser and Variables
Set-Variable -Name "CLOUDQA_APIKEY" -Value "<API key>"
Set-Variable -Name "CLOUDQA_SUITE_ID" -Value "<TestSuite Id>"
Set-Variable -Name "CLOUDQA_BROWSER" -Value "<Browser(Chrome or Firefox)>"
Set-Variable -Name "CLOUDQA_VARIABLES" -Value "var1=val1,var2=val2"
Set-Variable -Name "CLOUDQA_BUILD_TAG" -Value "<BUILD ID>"
Set-Variable -Name "CLOUDQA_ENVIRONMENT_NAME" -Value "<Application Environment Name>"
Set-Variable -Name "CLOUDQA_SEQUENTIAL_EXECUTION" -Value "<true/false>"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile cloudqa-jenkins.ps1