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Reason for failure and how to resolve?

Below are the most common errors and the recommended actions you should take to resolve them.

  1. Element with specified selector was not found
  2. Element not intractable
  3. Assertion failed
  4. Error occurred while selecting Iframe
  5. Error in executing script
  6. Internal Error Occurred

1. Element with specified selector was not found

What does it mean?

  • Page has not loaded or web application is down

  • Page might be loading but, the element wait timed out

  • An element has been removed from web page

  • An element CSS has changed

  • An attempt was made to select an element that cannot be selected

  • An element could not be located on the page using the given parameters

How to resolve:

Check the execution screenshot to identify

  • If page loaded properly

  • If you find element is taking time to load in the screenshot, go to that element in edit steps and add a step pause, give the time(in seconds) and save it

  • Check if element has been removed from the web page

  • If element is visible, please check the CSS path of that element using Pick CSS in test recorder, if CSS has changed, replace with new one and re-execute

  • If the element CSS is the same, check if the element is selected/enabled or not in the screenshot

  • Check the screenshot with respect to the steps/actions performed, if your application could not find the search values

2. Element not intractable

What does it mean?

  • Page did not load, in which element is present

How to resolve:

  • Check the screenshot in the results page, if you find the page is loading in screenshot, try to perform the same steps manually to replicate page speed, if page is taking time, increase the element timeout in app preferences page

3. Assertion failed

What does it mean?

  • When expected value is not equal to the actual value, it throws assertion failed error

How to resolve:

  • Hover/click on the failed status of test case. It shows the actual and recorded text. Now, manually check if the text is changed in your application. If yes, change the asserted text and re-execute

4. Error occurred while selecting Iframe

What does it mean?

  • When execution engine didn't find the iframe or when iframe locator has been updated

How to resolve:

  • Hover/click on the failed status of test case, It shows the actual and recorded text, manually check if the text is changed in your application. If yes, change the asserted text and re-execute.

5. Error occurred while executing script

What does it mean?

  • When your iframe selector is not found during execution

How to resolve:

  • Do a pick CSS on the element and compare with the older

6. Internal Error Occurred, Contact customer support

  • Please re-execute the test case, if the error still persists kindly contact CloudQA Support.