
CloudQA is cloud-based test automation platform designed to significantly reduce time, cost and complexity of web testing. This documentation will guide all the necessary information to learn about CloudQA methodology, best practices, use cases, as well as many tips that will allow you to get the most out of your CloudQA account.

CloudQA is organized into Test recorder, Applications , TruRT, TruLoad, TruMonitor and Results.

Test Recorder

CloudQA has smart test recorder which will record all your actions such as click, type, and select options in drop down menus. The Recorder will capture all of your actions in sequence as you navigate through your site and save the test case which can be executed multiple times within CloudQA.


An application is the main requisite for defining a project in CloudQA. An "Application" basically defines what to test and where, along with a set of parameters that can be used to test multiple environments in different resolutions.

  • Base URL: A base URL is, basically, the consistent part of your web address. A website/web application you'll note that the address section http://www.example.com always appears in the address bar. This is the base URL. Everything that follows it is known as a URL path.

Test Recorder

Test Recorder contains the settings and the list of steps to execute in order to test the application in a certain way. Test Cases are auto-generated using the Test Recorder.

  • Variables: Variables you can store a static value and use it across test cases in an application.

  • Store Variable: Using Store Variable you can store a dynamic value and use it any where within the test case.

  • Random Variables: As name itself specifies, it generates random data to test your application. Instead of changing values every time in edit test case or changing in application, you can use random variables.


TruRT is a set of logically grouped test cases in a random or sequential order. TruRT allows to schedule set of test cases or invoke them through an API.


TruAPI is for testing REST API's. It helps testing application programming interfaces (APIs) directly and as part of integration testing to determine if they meet expectations for functionality, reliability, performance, and security.


Truload help you testing user load, by putting demand on a software system or computing device and measuring its response. Load testing is performed to determine a system's behavior under both normal and anticipated peak load conditions


TruMonitor or synthetic monitoring is a method to monitor your applications by simulating users � directing the path taken through the application. Monitoring provides information as to the uptime and performance of your critical business transactions, and most common paths in the application.


When a test case is Executed/Load tested/Monitored, it reveals the status of the test case as pass/fail. You can check the results and debug.

CloudQA Local Test Agent

Download CloudQA Local Test Agent v1.0.8

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